Sunday, June 22, 2008

Garfield's Hunt for a Thesis Advisor

Nermal, while accidentally providing Garfield's one great thesis topic, had not much use for anything else. All he did during his 3-day stay was primp and act cute for anyone who would take notice. Thus, when it was finally time for him to leave, Garfield couldn't help but open the door for him, then slam it close after!

With Nermal gone, Garfield can now have peace and quiet for his many naps and tv appointments. And yes, for his thesis project, too.

However, now that he has a topic, Garfield doesn't quite know what to do next. Is it time to write already? If it is, where will he start his writing? How many pages will it take? Will nine pages be okay? In Garfield's opinion, ten pages seemed too long.

Hmm, speaking of thesis pages, Garfield couldn't help but remember one particular instance. Not so long ago, Garfield has heard this nasty rumor that thesis papers can be as thick as a book when finished. He remembered laughing then. Now, he's not so sure. And he's scared to find out the truth.

It was at that time that Jon passed by the couch. He might have gone on into the next room, if only he didn't see Garfield's expression. Garfield looked confused, nervous, and a little cross-eyed to him. When he asked if everything's okay, Garfield leaped into Jon and confessed that he's bewildered by his thesis. He simply doesn't know where to continue, now that he has chosen his topic.

Smiling, Jon said it was understandable to be confused. Garfield doesn't even have a thesis advisor to guide him yet. Garfield, ignorant of all things related to thesis, then asked what a thesis advisor is. Patiently, Jon explained how a thesis advisor functions:

"Garfield, the thesis advisor is very important for the thesis writer. It is the advisor that works and collaborates with the thesis student in coming up with a great thesis project. As the advisor is there to supervise and guide, he should be someone that the writer greatly trusts, someone very knowledgeable about the thesis topic, someone who will have the time to guide the writer…So, who do you think should be your thesis advisor, Garfield?"

Jon confidently puffed up his chest and waited for the answer.

Garfield thought for a second. Then, as if Jon was giving him a clue with his puffed chest and smug smile, he suddenly caught on. There is a person perfect to be his thesis advisor. Garfield immediately blurted out: "My thesis advisor will be…Dr.Liz!"

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